Our Humanity First initiative is committed to meeting basic human needs by providing essential supplies to those affected by conflict and hardship. We focus on delivering food, clothing, hygiene kits, and other vital items to ensure survival.

We have delivered hundreds of tons of food, warm clothes, beds, tools, hygiene supplies, home repair items, and laptops. These laptops enable Ukrainian children to learn safely from home and allow parents to work remotely. Our efforts reach thousands of individuals and families, providing them with the necessary resources to survive and rebuild their lives. These supplies make a significant impact, helping families maintain their well-being and restore their homes.

Our logistics system ensures efficient and timely delivery of supplies, picked up directly from donors across Europe. We maintain the highest standards of accountability, ensuring that all items reach their intended recipients without loss to corruption or misplacement.

Our goal is to raise $60,000 to continue delivering essential humanitarian aid. Every $150 provides a laptop and monitor to a student. Every $200 supplies a bed, warm clothing and hygiene kit for a displaced person. Every $500 provides a high quality generator.

Join us in providing vital support to those in need. Your donation helps deliver critical supplies and restore hope and dignity to affected communities. Together, we make a significant difference.